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Digital Coupons

How to Create and Deploy Digital Coupon Offers

You will need the Digital Coupons module enabled inside the back office as denoted by a green checkmark on your Feature Dashboard.  If this module is not enabled, tap the icon and submit a request to enable this feature.

In addition, we suggest customizing the “Default” digital coupon template from Digital Coupon Templates that houses your offers inside a wrapper with custom branding elements, background graphics, contact information and social links.  In many cases, this customization may already have been done for you during initial onboarding but you can always create new templates anytime. 

User Instructions

Step 1: Open the Digital Coupon Offers Page

From your back office dashboard Home screen, click Digital Coupon Offers from the MARKETING navigation menu. Alternatively, you can create new digital coupon offers directly from messaging modules from the Add Coupon dialog box. However, we suggest creating your offers directly from MARKETING> Digital Coupon Offers, which gives you insight into all offers in use across the platform. In addition, newly created offers are automatically set to DRAFT status and won’t be connected to any live campaigns. This allows time for testing and previewing.

Step 2:  Add Headline, Expiration, Description and Terms

Click the green Add button and a new blank coupon dialog window will display with fields that allows you start writing content for your offer. 

Headline:  Record an attention-grabbing headline that summarizes the offer and encourages patrons to click/tap to view details. The headline must be a minimum of 5 characters and max of 24 characters in length. Your headline will appear inside the graphical View Deal Theme wrapper upon message delivery. Example headlines include “Free Appetizer”, “Buy 1 Get 1 Free”, “Special VIP Deal”, “25% Off Total Bill”, “$5 Off Min $20 Sale” and so on. Be creative but be brief.   

Expiration: Select a value from the drop-down list for when the digital coupon will expire. Please note if you choose one of the preselect expiration options, the system excludes the day the offer is sent from # of days. For example, if your digital coupon expires in “1 Day” and is sent today, the expiration date stamp will apply for the following day (tomorrow) instead of the present day. The expiration date is published directly on the digital coupon template automatically where the {couponexpdate} tag displays. The expiration date is also published underneath the deal theme graphic inside messages. Setting this value is especially important when using templates with a REDEEM button since the offer will show EXPIRED on screen once users attempt to redeem the offer past the expiration date.

Description:  Write a more detailed description of your offer that tells patrons what they can expect to receive. If your offer is written as a discount, be very clear so there is no ambiguity on what the offer is to avoid patron confusion. If you offer is redeemable, we suggest adding a phrase like this to the end of your description “Tap Redeem in the presence of your clerk of server to claim discount”.  

Terms:  This area would be the fine print where you can include specific disclaimers and exclusions such as the common “Not valid with any other offer” phrase that is popular on paper coupons. 

Step 3:  Select a Digital Coupon Template

Under the Template field, press the Select button to view your available digital coupon template(s). The template houses the “shell” of your offer that features your logo/branding elements, color schemes, background graphics, contact information and social links. Each individual offer can be connected to a very specific digital coupon template. There may be one (1) template listed commonly titled “Default” OR you may see multiple templates with custom names as created inside the Digital Coupon Templates page of the back office. Tap the Load button under the template you wish to associate with this specific offer.

HELPFUL TIP:   The Redeem button on templates contains special code that walks patrons through a redemption process with on screen confirmation. This button helps operators track redemption statistics inside the Digital Coupon Activity Report and shows deals as “REDEEMED” on screen as a fraud and redemption abuse control. However, not every type of offer requires redeemable tracking.  Sometimes marketers just want to advertise an event or package with complete ordering details.  You can use this module to create non redeemable mobile friendly advertisements by creating a new template that has the Redeem button block removed. Please refer to Digital Coupon Templates for instructions on removing the Redeem button from a saved template.

Step 4: Select a View Deal Theme

Under the View Deal Theme field, press the Select button to browse available deal themes to attach to this specific offer. The deal theme is a graphical wrapper that publishes your digital coupon headline added during Step 2 above. This deal theme is seen by patrons inside of email messages wherever the {coupon} tag is placed inside that campaign. In addition, the deal theme is seen by patrons when more than one (1) digital coupon offer is circulated to patrons through the Mobile Text Marketing module as a text blast. If the mobile text campaign includes only one (1) digital coupon offer, however, no deal theme is visible by the patron since the {coupon} hyperlink inside the text message opens the applicable digital coupon template directly in one tap.

Users cannot customize deal themes at the present time. It’s very tricky and complex to display these types of graphics with dynamically changing text inside email across various devices, operating systems and email client software. Therefore, we’ve made the process of selecting a graphic wrapper for your digital coupon offer super easy.  There is a vast library of themes for virtually any industry searchable by the Theme Category drop down field at the top of the View Deal Theme Select window.  Browse through the categories of themes that best align with your offer and tap the Load button to load the deal theme into your digital coupon offer window. Click Save to save changes. 

Please note If you don’t see a theme to your liking that aligns with your offer please send us a suggestion and we would be glad to whip up a more suitable deal theme graphic and add it to the theme library.

Step 5: Preview Your Offer

Once your digital coupon offer has been saved you can preview how it looks by clicking the Preview icon (denoted by the eye) inside the Action column of the Digital Coupon Offers page. This mode will display how your offer will actually look when the deal theme or {coupon} hyperlink inside mobile text campaigns are tapped by the patron. Use the Send Test field at the top by entering your email address or mobile phone number and clicking Send and you’ll be able to test the layout of your offer from any device.

IMPORTANT:  Please note when previewing digital coupon offers or using any of the Send Test commands, you can tap the Redeem button and “redeem” the offer as many times as you want inside the sandboxed test environment.  This means use of the Redeem button to test campaigns does NOT count in digital coupon reporting metrics; only real sent campaigns are tracked for reporting statistics with fraud controls enabled. 

Step 6: Connect Your Offer to a Live Campaign

The last and final step is connecting your digital coupon offer to a live email or text campaign. This is the step that officially activates the {coupon} tag in curly brackets inside email or text message campaigns.   

When inside the Automated Promotions module, look for the +New Digital Coupon link under a specific promotion you want to connect your offer (e.g., Happy Birthday, Thanks for Visiting, Miss You). If you’re inside Scheduled Email Marketing or Mobile Text Marketing look for the Add Coupon blue button and tap it. This action will bring up the standard coupon dialog window. Tap the Load button to pull up a list of all available offers already created in MARKETING > Digital Coupon Offers or start building a brand new offer from scratch following the steps above. When using the Load button, highlight the offer you want to activate and press the Select button. Then repeat as necessary if you want to add a 2nd or 3rd offer.  Remember, you can add multiple digital coupon offers to the same campaign. The deal themes will stack on top of each other wherever the {coupon} tag is located inside the campaign.

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How to Create and Deploy Digital Coupon Offers

This article covers how to setup, edit and deploy digital coupon offers (mobile friendly advertisements) through email or SMS mobile text message.  You have the ability to attach multiple offers that stack inside individual campaign, thereby giving patrons the ability to select the specific offer(s) they wish to redeem.

You will need the Digital Coupons module enabled inside the back office as denoted by a green checkmark on your Feature Dashboard.  If this module is not enabled, tap the icon and submit a request to enable this feature.

In addition, we suggest customizing the “Default” digital coupon template from Digital Coupon Templates that houses your offers inside a wrapper with custom branding elements, background graphics, contact information and social links.  In many cases, this customization may already have been done for you during initial onboarding but you can always create new templates anytime. 

User Instructions

Step 1: Open the Digital Coupon Offers Page

From your back office dashboard Home screen, click Digital Coupon Offers from the MARKETING navigation menu. Alternatively, you can create new digital coupon offers directly from messaging modules from the Add Coupon dialog box. However, we suggest creating your offers directly from MARKETING> Digital Coupon Offers, which gives you insight into all offers in use across the platform. In addition, newly created offers are automatically set to DRAFT status and won’t be connected to any live campaigns. This allows time for testing and previewing.

Step 2:  Add Headline, Expiration, Description and Terms

Click the green Add button and a new blank coupon dialog window will display with fields that allows you start writing content for your offer. 

Headline:  Record an attention-grabbing headline that summarizes the offer and encourages patrons to click/tap to view details. The headline must be a minimum of 5 characters and max of 24 characters in length. Your headline will appear inside the graphical View Deal Theme wrapper upon message delivery. Example headlines include “Free Appetizer”, “Buy 1 Get 1 Free”, “Special VIP Deal”, “25% Off Total Bill”, “$5 Off Min $20 Sale” and so on. Be creative but be brief.   

Expiration: Select a value from the drop-down list for when the digital coupon will expire. Please note if you choose one of the preselect expiration options, the system excludes the day the offer is sent from # of days. For example, if your digital coupon expires in “1 Day” and is sent today, the expiration date stamp will apply for the following day (tomorrow) instead of the present day. The expiration date is published directly on the digital coupon template automatically where the {couponexpdate} tag displays. The expiration date is also published underneath the deal theme graphic inside messages. Setting this value is especially important when using templates with a REDEEM button since the offer will show EXPIRED on screen once users attempt to redeem the offer past the expiration date.

Description:  Write a more detailed description of your offer that tells patrons what they can expect to receive. If your offer is written as a discount, be very clear so there is no ambiguity on what the offer is to avoid patron confusion. If you offer is redeemable, we suggest adding a phrase like this to the end of your description “Tap Redeem in the presence of your clerk of server to claim discount”.  

Terms:  This area would be the fine print where you can include specific disclaimers and exclusions such as the common “Not valid with any other offer” phrase that is popular on paper coupons. 

Step 3:  Select a Digital Coupon Template

Under the Template field, press the Select button to view your available digital coupon template(s). The template houses the “shell” of your offer that features your logo/branding elements, color schemes, background graphics, contact information and social links. Each individual offer can be connected to a very specific digital coupon template. There may be one (1) template listed commonly titled “Default” OR you may see multiple templates with custom names as created inside the Digital Coupon Templates page of the back office. Tap the Load button under the template you wish to associate with this specific offer.

HELPFUL TIP:   The Redeem button on templates contains special code that walks patrons through a redemption process with on screen confirmation. This button helps operators track redemption statistics inside the Digital Coupon Activity Report and shows deals as “REDEEMED” on screen as a fraud and redemption abuse control. However, not every type of offer requires redeemable tracking.  Sometimes marketers just want to advertise an event or package with complete ordering details.  You can use this module to create non redeemable mobile friendly advertisements by creating a new template that has the Redeem button block removed. Please refer to Digital Coupon Templates for instructions on removing the Redeem button from a saved template.

Step 4: Select a View Deal Theme

Under the View Deal Theme field, press the Select button to browse available deal themes to attach to this specific offer. The deal theme is a graphical wrapper that publishes your digital coupon headline added during Step 2 above. This deal theme is seen by patrons inside of email messages wherever the {coupon} tag is placed inside that campaign. In addition, the deal theme is seen by patrons when more than one (1) digital coupon offer is circulated to patrons through the Mobile Text Marketing module as a text blast. If the mobile text campaign includes only one (1) digital coupon offer, however, no deal theme is visible by the patron since the {coupon} hyperlink inside the text message opens the applicable digital coupon template directly in one tap.

Users cannot customize deal themes at the present time. It’s very tricky and complex to display these types of graphics with dynamically changing text inside email across various devices, operating systems and email client software. Therefore, we’ve made the process of selecting a graphic wrapper for your digital coupon offer super easy.  There is a vast library of themes for virtually any industry searchable by the Theme Category drop down field at the top of the View Deal Theme Select window.  Browse through the categories of themes that best align with your offer and tap the Load button to load the deal theme into your digital coupon offer window. Click Save to save changes. 

Please note If you don’t see a theme to your liking that aligns with your offer please send us a suggestion and we would be glad to whip up a more suitable deal theme graphic and add it to the theme library.

Step 5: Preview Your Offer

Once your digital coupon offer has been saved you can preview how it looks by clicking the Preview icon (denoted by the eye) inside the Action column of the Digital Coupon Offers page. This mode will display how your offer will actually look when the deal theme or {coupon} hyperlink inside mobile text campaigns are tapped by the patron. Use the Send Test field at the top by entering your email address or mobile phone number and clicking Send and you’ll be able to test the layout of your offer from any device.

IMPORTANT:  Please note when previewing digital coupon offers or using any of the Send Test commands, you can tap the Redeem button and “redeem” the offer as many times as you want inside the sandboxed test environment.  This means use of the Redeem button to test campaigns does NOT count in digital coupon reporting metrics; only real sent campaigns are tracked for reporting statistics with fraud controls enabled. 

Step 6: Connect Your Offer to a Live Campaign

The last and final step is connecting your digital coupon offer to a live email or text campaign. This is the step that officially activates the {coupon} tag in curly brackets inside email or text message campaigns.   

When inside the Automated Promotions module, look for the +New Digital Coupon link under a specific promotion you want to connect your offer (e.g., Happy Birthday, Thanks for Visiting, Miss You). If you’re inside Scheduled Email Marketing or Mobile Text Marketing look for the Add Coupon blue button and tap it. This action will bring up the standard coupon dialog window. Tap the Load button to pull up a list of all available offers already created in MARKETING > Digital Coupon Offers or start building a brand new offer from scratch following the steps above. When using the Load button, highlight the offer you want to activate and press the Select button. Then repeat as necessary if you want to add a 2nd or 3rd offer.  Remember, you can add multiple digital coupon offers to the same campaign. The deal themes will stack on top of each other wherever the {coupon} tag is located inside the campaign.

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