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Load Gift Card Value through POSitouch

Step 1:  Open New Guest Check and Select Gift Cards Button

Start a new guest check by entering user (Clerk #), table number and number in party. Then select Miscellaneous followed by selecting Gift Cards.

Step 2:  Load Gift Value

On the next screen when the keypad screen displays enter the amount to load (the gift load amount) and press Enter. 

Then swipe a new gift card out of your box or manually kand-key the ID# on the back of the card. If you need a gift card for testing purposes, hand-key ID# 0000701624000

NOTE:  All gift card and/or loyalty transactions instantly display in real time on the REPORTING> Reconciliation Report inside your back-office account. A copy of the previous day’s transactions from the Reconciliation report are automatically emailed to authorized users on a daily basis for audit trail reporting and internal control monitoring. 

Step 3:  Take Payment and Close Check  

At this point, the gift card load is recorded in real-time prior to actually processing payment (cash or credit card). Select Take Payment and cash out the check as you would normally do to close the check.

Step 4: Redeeming Gift Value through POSItiouch 

Please review the article, Issuing and Redeeming Rewards (or Gift Value) through POSitouch for instructions on performing gift redemptions. Just ignore all steps related to reward issuance / reward redemptions.

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Load Gift Card Value through POSitouch

This article covers how to load gift value through the POSitouch terminal to patrons who purchase gift cards.

Step 1:  Open New Guest Check and Select Gift Cards Button

Start a new guest check by entering user (Clerk #), table number and number in party. Then select Miscellaneous followed by selecting Gift Cards.

Step 2:  Load Gift Value

On the next screen when the keypad screen displays enter the amount to load (the gift load amount) and press Enter. 

Then swipe a new gift card out of your box or manually kand-key the ID# on the back of the card. If you need a gift card for testing purposes, hand-key ID# 0000701624000

NOTE:  All gift card and/or loyalty transactions instantly display in real time on the REPORTING> Reconciliation Report inside your back-office account. A copy of the previous day’s transactions from the Reconciliation report are automatically emailed to authorized users on a daily basis for audit trail reporting and internal control monitoring. 

Step 3:  Take Payment and Close Check  

At this point, the gift card load is recorded in real-time prior to actually processing payment (cash or credit card). Select Take Payment and cash out the check as you would normally do to close the check.

Step 4: Redeeming Gift Value through POSItiouch 

Please review the article, Issuing and Redeeming Rewards (or Gift Value) through POSitouch for instructions on performing gift redemptions. Just ignore all steps related to reward issuance / reward redemptions.

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