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POSitouch Terminal Troubleshooting

If you see or experience any of the below on screen error messages or issues please follow the stated troubleshooting steps or escalate to Technical Support. In some cases resolution steps should only be performed by a knowledgeable technician. We have published all known error conditions on this page to provide helpful guidance.
Card Not Activated - Cannot Redeem Rewards

If you see this message it means your loyalty member did not complete the activation signup process from one of our list building sources (WiFi, Kiosk, Text to Join, Online, etc.)  This condition means your member can receive and accumulate rewards on sales using the ADD POINTS button but will not be able to redeem accumulated rewards pending signup. This situation most commonly occurs when you EITHER swipe a card and try to redeem rewards before the customer got an opportunity to activate the card. It can also occur when patrons signup online over your website but fail to click the double opt in authentication button to officially activate their account. We publish a website for patrons to get help on the back of all loyalty cards printed so please instruct your customer to simply follow help instructions on the back of their card. If your customer signs up without a card, instruct them to return back to your website and click Help Registering link. This link generates a support ticket that sends to your loyalty vendor's Tech Support dept who will resolve the activation issue on your behalf. Once the patron account is activated your patron will be able to redeem rewards on a future guest check using the Rewards Redeem button from CC Auth.  

Clerk ID Must be Entered

This error can easily be resolved by a user with Administrator access to the loyalty account back office. Once logged in, click on SETTINGS>Location> Location EDIT and verify 'Require Clerk ID from terminal' is checked. Then retry a gift card or loyalty transaction. RECOMMENDATION> POSitouch Server IDs populate the SETTINGS>Clerk IDs page automatically with real employee ID numbers as gift card and loyalty transactions are processed at the POSi terminal. Authorized users, however, should update this SETTINGS>Clerk IDs page by adding the names of employees next to the appropriate Clerk ID for audit trail reporting. See Enabling Clerk IDs for more instructions or just tap the EDIT icon and enter the name of the employee next to their real POSItouch Clerk ID. There is no need to make up your own Clerk IDs. Use the real ones from POSitouch.

Tips when using Gift Cards not working

Tips have to be enabld on the new payment methods (i.e., Gift Cards) in the POS system to ensure smooth handling. These settings are enabled in the Payment System Setup: Forms of Payment Screen by toggling the appropriate Interface Type (card range) and verifying the proper checkbox is enabled where highlighted in the image below.

Invalid Card Number Error

When a card ID is tested and returns Invalid Card Number error as shown below there is a misconfiguration and transactions are not reaching our system. Perform the following steps:

Check Setup->Credit Card->User Defined Credit Cards and review settings against Step 3 of the configuration guide for accuracy.

Check Setup> Credit Card> Merchant Data and then click the More 1 tab. Verify the listen and connect ports are correctly set per Step 6 of the config guide. If the installation does not have this screen, run ccsetup.exe to access and review settings. Wrongly assigned ports can return this error. Also verify the Channel 2 checkbox under Encrypt Card Data is unchecked.

CC Failure. Account not valid. Contact support.

POSitouch has their own buttons and could have a Loyalty button on the screen (from a previous or legacy installation) that trips up users to select instead of the correct button on our interface such as ADD POINTS. If the user sees a button off to the right side or sees a button entitled, "Loyalty" its definitely not our button which the user is selecting by mistake. We recommend the merchant contact their dealer's Technical Support dept about removing incorrect or legacy Loyalty buttons from the screen to avoid user confusion. For clarity, our buttons are always published on the left side of the CC Auth screen and named Add Points, Rewards Redeem and Gift Redeem by default as shown below.

CC Auth Screen Displaying Properly Titled Buttons
Gift Card / Loyalty Buttons Do Not Display on CC Auth Screen

If you do not see the 2-3 buttons (based on config) displaying on the left side of your CC Auth Screen (as shown directly above) after swiping a card or entering a card-less mobile phone number from the CC Auth Screen then there is a configuration issue. First check with POSI Support to verify loyalty has been added to the security key. If that's not the issue. contact Technical Support to dial in and recheck installation guide for discrepancies.

Load Gift Card Not Working

This troubleshooting step is applicable on new installs and testing the Load Gift function.  When loading gift value through Miscellaneous> Gift Card and you observe error message “Process Skipped” with no transaction processing in the back office this error generally means a misconfigured setting. Access Menu Editor (for older sites) or Quick Menu (for newer sites) and set the appropriate gift card category Cell Type to “Activate”. Save changes and retry transaction.    

CCOFF (or CC Auth) failure transit problem --- resend transaction. SERVER ERROR: Error 10061:Resolution

When the Positouch Terminal returns this error on the slip its usually a network issue on the merchant's end. The merchant should restart their POSitouch system which will restart the ACGPOSitouch.exe service and verify Internet connectivity is working. If restarting the machine doesn't fix it, we recommend the merchant contacts their POSitouch support rep to investigate.

Credit Card Application Crashes After Running Loyalty Transaction

If the site is experiencing credit cards going down immediately after processing a gift card or loyalty transaction, there could be two possible symptoms. First, check the configuration and verify Channel 2 is properly set where applicable.

Navigate to Setup> Credit Card Types and verify the Payment Types for gift and loyalty card ranges are toggled to Channel 2.

Navigate into Setup>Credit Card> Merchant Data and then click the More 1 tab.  Verify the Transerv Channel IP Addresses and Ports for the gift/loyalty service are on the Channel 2 row.

If adjustments are needed, save changes and run Immediate System Change.

If Channel 2 is properly set in the configuration, open SPCWIN.INI and verify this line is present in the file as highlighted below. If not, add CC_SocketClose=YES and save changes followed by running Immediate System Change. Then retry the gift/loyalty transaction followed by a credit card transaction to confirm normal processing without credit card application crashes.

Card Not Accepted or Card Format Not Recognized or Card Not Swiping

If a “Card Format Not Recognized” error returns OR plastic cards ordered from your gift/loyalty vendor do not swipe through the terminal identify the ID# that caused the error and write it down. Contact Loyalty Technical Support to dial into your POSi terminal, run Bow.exe and go to Setup> Credit Card > User Defined Credit Cards. Check the accuracy of the number of digits and the Start and End ID#s as documented in the installation guide instructions for your account. Assuming your loyalty vendor printed your cards, the following would be a very common configuration for your card range to swipe and hand-key correctly.


StartNumber: 000070  
EndNumber:  000070  
Digits: 13
CheckDigit: Leave unchecked
NoChk Exp Date: check this box
AllowManual:  Check this box
NoGC Redm: Leave unchecked
Media: Select 21-Gift & Loyalty


StartNumber: 000001
EndNumber: 999999
Digits:  10
CheckDigit: Leave unchecked
NoChk Exp Date: check this box
AllowManual:  Check this box
NoGC Redm: Leave unchecked
Media: Select 21-Gift & Loyalty


StartNumber: 000072  
EndNumber:  000072  
Digits: 13
CheckDigit: Leave unchecked
NoChk Exp Date: check this box
AllowManual:  Check this box
NoGC Redm: Leave unchecked
Media: Select 21-Gift & Loyalty


StartNumber: 500001
EndNumber: 999999
Digits:  11
CheckDigit: Leave unchecked
NoChk Exp Date: check this box
AllowManual:  Check this box
NoGC Redm: Leave unchecked
Media: Select 21-Gift & Loyalty

Please also update the Setup> Credit Card> Credit Card Types screen by toggling the eGift Card row to set Payment Type to Gift Rdm on Channel 2 as displayed below.

Setup>Credit Card>Credit Card Types Screen

Remember, each screen change to internal settings requires running Immediate System Change before changes take effect.  


If you leave the Loyalty Pay Type column value at NONE for loyalty card ranges instead of switching to LOYAL RDM  then redeeming rewards will be restricted on the keypad to whole integers as “points” (1 = 1.00, 10 = 10.00) instead of allowing clerks to enter reward redemptions with decimals in proper currency format (i.e., redeem $5.45).  Please verify all loyalty/reward card ranges are set to LOYAL RDM in the Loyalty PayType field as shown below to ensure rewards redemptions can be recorded with decimals instead of whole integers.

User Defined CC Loyalty Pay Type Field

SENDING. . . . (stuck on screen)

When using the Gift/Loyalty buttons from the CC Auth screen to process and the screen appears stuck with SENDING. . . displaying on screen and the transaction doesn’t successfully transmit and go away, we've seen this behavior on brand new installs where processing has never worked previously. Check to see whether the SPCWin server and the POS server have different IP addresses (i.e. are different machines). If so, we recommend installing and configuring the CCSETUP utility on the SPCWin server. Configure the settings to match the settings that exist on the POS server and retry a transaction test.

PROCESSING . . . (stuck on screen)

When using the Gift/Loyalty buttons from the CC Auth screen to process and the screen appears stuck with PROCESSING. . . displaying on screen and the transaction doesn’t successfully transmit and go away, this usually means there is no communication between spcwin.exe and our host platform. In some cases, this issue could be caused by routine Windows updates that have stopped the ACGPOSitouch service or the updates have not finished completing.  Please check the status of your Windows updates and make sure they complete.

'PROCESSING' Error Screen Shot

In other cases this issue can result from a gift/loyalty installation configuration issue. Contact Loyalty Technical Support to request dial-in and verify all configuration settings from installation guide are set correctly particularly, Config.ini, Transerv and all appropriate ports are allowed in Windows Firewall.

If transaction processing has worked previously and suddenly stopped, chances are the issue is local to the site and not configuration related. The most likely issue is the Windows service that enables POSitouch integration with the gift/loyalty system (ACGPOsitouch)  has stopped running and needs to be restarted. This could occur from a power outage or other unexpected hardware/software event. It could also occur from a change in security settings at the local site.

Follow the next section below for restart instructions.  

ACGPOSITOUCH Windows Service Not Running or Needs to be Restarted

From the Search bar of Windows running your POSi workstation, type Services, select the Services app and locate the service entitled, "ACGPOSItouch" in the table and select it. If this service is not listed toward the top, click the Name column to alphabetize the list of services by name so the "As" will be published at the top making our service easier to locate.  

Services Tab Screen

You will see at glance whether the service is running or not. The screen will say either 'Not Running' or 'Running'. If you right click on ACGPOSItouch when highlighted you will see an option to restart the service. Before restarting, however, double click the ACGPOSitouch service to open the details view and configure a few extra settings, if applicable. Perform the following:

Click the General tab, verify the Startup Type field is set to Automatic and click OK to save changes, if applicable.  We want this value set to "Automatic" instead of "Manual".

General> Automatic Restart Screen

Click the Recovery tab, set the First failure, Second failure and Subsequent failure field values to Restart the Service as shown below and click Apply to save changes.  

Recovery Tab Screen

Once the above changes are made, select (highlight) ACGPOSitouch Service, right click and select Restart to to restart the service and verify ACGPOSItouch now displays "Running" in the Status column. Retry a new gift/loyalty transaction through the POSitouch terminal to test successful connection.

If the Windows ACGPOsitouch.exe service stops running after manually restarting the service or directly after processing a gift card/loyalty transaction try rebooting the entire POSitouch system which often kick starts the Windows service into gear. Then retry a gift/loyalty transaction.

If POSitouch system reboot still does not resolve the error and ACGPOSitouch service is still not running its possible recent security setting changes have caused our sites to be blocked and public Internet sites are completely locked down. At this point, you likely need Technical Support assistance for more advanced diagnostics. First, try a few tests to see if a public website can be accessed.

--Open a web browser, try and OR
--Open command prompt, type 'curl' and 'curl'

Both queries should return responses instead of an error message. In both cases, if public sites are unreachable, then some critical URLs will need to be unblocked. The resolution step is to contact your loyalty vendor's Tech Support and report this issue. Unblock instructions will be sent via email with phone support assistance.

If neither of the above steps work, its possible another service or application is using the same port (5040) as our default POSitouch interface. This theory can be confirmed by opening Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer. Choose 'Windows Logs' from left panel. Choose 'Application' and look for ACGPOSitouch events noting port error log results. This tool provides a lot of helpful diagnostic information.

You may see an error message such as the following:

Service cannot be started. System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.

Check port availability by opening a command prompt and run netstat -a and examine the entries for a :5040, (for example, which means that this 5040 port was bound to ALL TCP traffic). Then start counting up to check whether 5041 is taken. If so, check 5042 and so on until you find an available port. When you locate an available port that is not being used by another application, open the config.ini file as documented inside the integration install guide and change the HA Port Number from 5040 to the new available port (e.g., 5041, 5042) and save changes. Then open Windows Firewall and add a rule that allows BOTH outbound and inbound communication on the newly changed port. This port allow step should be done regardless of whether Windows Firewall is turned ON or OFF. Run Immediate System change and check whether the ACGPOSitouch service remains running.

Gift Card Sale Displays as 'Auth Only' in Shift 4 System Reporting

If the gift card transaction stays in auth only status and does not come through as a sale in Shift 4 then the root cause issue is an older version of the POSitouch middleware interface. The version can be verified by opening Services from Windows, locate ACGPOSitouch.exe, right click 'ACGPOSitouch.exe', choose Properties, select Details tab and verify latest version displays of:  1.0.7248.23262  If an earlier version displays contact Loyalty Tech Support to schedule remote dial in and install patch upgrade to latest version for resolution.  

How to Turn Off or ON Logging in Gift/Loyalty Integration Service

Please perform the following steps to enable or disabling logging in the middleware integration service.  

1.     Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Objective Technologies\ACGPOSitouch

2.     Open Config.ini

3.     Change Logging=true toLogging=false (or vice versa)

4.     Save Config.ini

5.     Go to Start->Run

6.     Type in “services.msc”

7.     Right click on ACGPOSitouch service and select “Restart”

The log is located in the above Program Files installation folder as Log.txt.  If visibly obvious error messages are observed in the log file this likely results from a versioning issue that requires patch upgrade. Verify version by running Services from Windows, locate ACGPOSitouch.exe, right click 'ACGPOSitouch.exe', choose Properties, select Details tab and verify latest version displays of: 1.0.7248.23262 If an earlier version displays contact Loyalty Tech Support to schedule remote dial in and install patch upgrade to latest version for resolution.

No additional images found.

POSitouch Terminal Troubleshooting

If you see or experience any of the below on screen error messages or issues please follow the stated troubleshooting steps or escalate to Technical Support. In some cases resolution steps should only be performed by a knowledgeable technician. We have published all known error conditions on this page to provide helpful guidance.
Card Not Activated - Cannot Redeem Rewards

If you see this message it means your loyalty member did not complete the activation signup process from one of our list building sources (WiFi, Kiosk, Text to Join, Online, etc.)  This condition means your member can receive and accumulate rewards on sales using the ADD POINTS button but will not be able to redeem accumulated rewards pending signup. This situation most commonly occurs when you EITHER swipe a card and try to redeem rewards before the customer got an opportunity to activate the card. It can also occur when patrons signup online over your website but fail to click the double opt in authentication button to officially activate their account. We publish a website for patrons to get help on the back of all loyalty cards printed so please instruct your customer to simply follow help instructions on the back of their card. If your customer signs up without a card, instruct them to return back to your website and click Help Registering link. This link generates a support ticket that sends to your loyalty vendor's Tech Support dept who will resolve the activation issue on your behalf. Once the patron account is activated your patron will be able to redeem rewards on a future guest check using the Rewards Redeem button from CC Auth.  

Clerk ID Must be Entered

This error can easily be resolved by a user with Administrator access to the loyalty account back office. Once logged in, click on SETTINGS>Location> Location EDIT and verify 'Require Clerk ID from terminal' is checked. Then retry a gift card or loyalty transaction. RECOMMENDATION> POSitouch Server IDs populate the SETTINGS>Clerk IDs page automatically with real employee ID numbers as gift card and loyalty transactions are processed at the POSi terminal. Authorized users, however, should update this SETTINGS>Clerk IDs page by adding the names of employees next to the appropriate Clerk ID for audit trail reporting. See Enabling Clerk IDs for more instructions or just tap the EDIT icon and enter the name of the employee next to their real POSItouch Clerk ID. There is no need to make up your own Clerk IDs. Use the real ones from POSitouch.

Tips when using Gift Cards not working

Tips have to be enabld on the new payment methods (i.e., Gift Cards) in the POS system to ensure smooth handling. These settings are enabled in the Payment System Setup: Forms of Payment Screen by toggling the appropriate Interface Type (card range) and verifying the proper checkbox is enabled where highlighted in the image below.

Invalid Card Number Error

When a card ID is tested and returns Invalid Card Number error as shown below there is a misconfiguration and transactions are not reaching our system. Perform the following steps:

Check Setup->Credit Card->User Defined Credit Cards and review settings against Step 3 of the configuration guide for accuracy.

Check Setup> Credit Card> Merchant Data and then click the More 1 tab. Verify the listen and connect ports are correctly set per Step 6 of the config guide. If the installation does not have this screen, run ccsetup.exe to access and review settings. Wrongly assigned ports can return this error. Also verify the Channel 2 checkbox under Encrypt Card Data is unchecked.

CC Failure. Account not valid. Contact support.

POSitouch has their own buttons and could have a Loyalty button on the screen (from a previous or legacy installation) that trips up users to select instead of the correct button on our interface such as ADD POINTS. If the user sees a button off to the right side or sees a button entitled, "Loyalty" its definitely not our button which the user is selecting by mistake. We recommend the merchant contact their dealer's Technical Support dept about removing incorrect or legacy Loyalty buttons from the screen to avoid user confusion. For clarity, our buttons are always published on the left side of the CC Auth screen and named Add Points, Rewards Redeem and Gift Redeem by default as shown below.

CC Auth Screen Displaying Properly Titled Buttons
Gift Card / Loyalty Buttons Do Not Display on CC Auth Screen

If you do not see the 2-3 buttons (based on config) displaying on the left side of your CC Auth Screen (as shown directly above) after swiping a card or entering a card-less mobile phone number from the CC Auth Screen then there is a configuration issue. First check with POSI Support to verify loyalty has been added to the security key. If that's not the issue. contact Technical Support to dial in and recheck installation guide for discrepancies.

Load Gift Card Not Working

This troubleshooting step is applicable on new installs and testing the Load Gift function.  When loading gift value through Miscellaneous> Gift Card and you observe error message “Process Skipped” with no transaction processing in the back office this error generally means a misconfigured setting. Access Menu Editor (for older sites) or Quick Menu (for newer sites) and set the appropriate gift card category Cell Type to “Activate”. Save changes and retry transaction.    

CCOFF (or CC Auth) failure transit problem --- resend transaction. SERVER ERROR: Error 10061:Resolution

When the Positouch Terminal returns this error on the slip its usually a network issue on the merchant's end. The merchant should restart their POSitouch system which will restart the ACGPOSitouch.exe service and verify Internet connectivity is working. If restarting the machine doesn't fix it, we recommend the merchant contacts their POSitouch support rep to investigate.

Credit Card Application Crashes After Running Loyalty Transaction

If the site is experiencing credit cards going down immediately after processing a gift card or loyalty transaction, there could be two possible symptoms. First, check the configuration and verify Channel 2 is properly set where applicable.

Navigate to Setup> Credit Card Types and verify the Payment Types for gift and loyalty card ranges are toggled to Channel 2.

Navigate into Setup>Credit Card> Merchant Data and then click the More 1 tab.  Verify the Transerv Channel IP Addresses and Ports for the gift/loyalty service are on the Channel 2 row.

If adjustments are needed, save changes and run Immediate System Change.

If Channel 2 is properly set in the configuration, open SPCWIN.INI and verify this line is present in the file as highlighted below. If not, add CC_SocketClose=YES and save changes followed by running Immediate System Change. Then retry the gift/loyalty transaction followed by a credit card transaction to confirm normal processing without credit card application crashes.

Card Not Accepted or Card Format Not Recognized or Card Not Swiping

If a “Card Format Not Recognized” error returns OR plastic cards ordered from your gift/loyalty vendor do not swipe through the terminal identify the ID# that caused the error and write it down. Contact Loyalty Technical Support to dial into your POSi terminal, run Bow.exe and go to Setup> Credit Card > User Defined Credit Cards. Check the accuracy of the number of digits and the Start and End ID#s as documented in the installation guide instructions for your account. Assuming your loyalty vendor printed your cards, the following would be a very common configuration for your card range to swipe and hand-key correctly.


StartNumber: 000070  
EndNumber:  000070  
Digits: 13
CheckDigit: Leave unchecked
NoChk Exp Date: check this box
AllowManual:  Check this box
NoGC Redm: Leave unchecked
Media: Select 21-Gift & Loyalty


StartNumber: 000001
EndNumber: 999999
Digits:  10
CheckDigit: Leave unchecked
NoChk Exp Date: check this box
AllowManual:  Check this box
NoGC Redm: Leave unchecked
Media: Select 21-Gift & Loyalty


StartNumber: 000072  
EndNumber:  000072  
Digits: 13
CheckDigit: Leave unchecked
NoChk Exp Date: check this box
AllowManual:  Check this box
NoGC Redm: Leave unchecked
Media: Select 21-Gift & Loyalty


StartNumber: 500001
EndNumber: 999999
Digits:  11
CheckDigit: Leave unchecked
NoChk Exp Date: check this box
AllowManual:  Check this box
NoGC Redm: Leave unchecked
Media: Select 21-Gift & Loyalty

Please also update the Setup> Credit Card> Credit Card Types screen by toggling the eGift Card row to set Payment Type to Gift Rdm on Channel 2 as displayed below.

Setup>Credit Card>Credit Card Types Screen

Remember, each screen change to internal settings requires running Immediate System Change before changes take effect.  


If you leave the Loyalty Pay Type column value at NONE for loyalty card ranges instead of switching to LOYAL RDM  then redeeming rewards will be restricted on the keypad to whole integers as “points” (1 = 1.00, 10 = 10.00) instead of allowing clerks to enter reward redemptions with decimals in proper currency format (i.e., redeem $5.45).  Please verify all loyalty/reward card ranges are set to LOYAL RDM in the Loyalty PayType field as shown below to ensure rewards redemptions can be recorded with decimals instead of whole integers.

User Defined CC Loyalty Pay Type Field

SENDING. . . . (stuck on screen)

When using the Gift/Loyalty buttons from the CC Auth screen to process and the screen appears stuck with SENDING. . . displaying on screen and the transaction doesn’t successfully transmit and go away, we've seen this behavior on brand new installs where processing has never worked previously. Check to see whether the SPCWin server and the POS server have different IP addresses (i.e. are different machines). If so, we recommend installing and configuring the CCSETUP utility on the SPCWin server. Configure the settings to match the settings that exist on the POS server and retry a transaction test.

PROCESSING . . . (stuck on screen)

When using the Gift/Loyalty buttons from the CC Auth screen to process and the screen appears stuck with PROCESSING. . . displaying on screen and the transaction doesn’t successfully transmit and go away, this usually means there is no communication between spcwin.exe and our host platform. In some cases, this issue could be caused by routine Windows updates that have stopped the ACGPOSitouch service or the updates have not finished completing.  Please check the status of your Windows updates and make sure they complete.

'PROCESSING' Error Screen Shot

In other cases this issue can result from a gift/loyalty installation configuration issue. Contact Loyalty Technical Support to request dial-in and verify all configuration settings from installation guide are set correctly particularly, Config.ini, Transerv and all appropriate ports are allowed in Windows Firewall.

If transaction processing has worked previously and suddenly stopped, chances are the issue is local to the site and not configuration related. The most likely issue is the Windows service that enables POSitouch integration with the gift/loyalty system (ACGPOsitouch)  has stopped running and needs to be restarted. This could occur from a power outage or other unexpected hardware/software event. It could also occur from a change in security settings at the local site.

Follow the next section below for restart instructions.  

ACGPOSITOUCH Windows Service Not Running or Needs to be Restarted

From the Search bar of Windows running your POSi workstation, type Services, select the Services app and locate the service entitled, "ACGPOSItouch" in the table and select it. If this service is not listed toward the top, click the Name column to alphabetize the list of services by name so the "As" will be published at the top making our service easier to locate.  

Services Tab Screen

You will see at glance whether the service is running or not. The screen will say either 'Not Running' or 'Running'. If you right click on ACGPOSItouch when highlighted you will see an option to restart the service. Before restarting, however, double click the ACGPOSitouch service to open the details view and configure a few extra settings, if applicable. Perform the following:

Click the General tab, verify the Startup Type field is set to Automatic and click OK to save changes, if applicable.  We want this value set to "Automatic" instead of "Manual".

General> Automatic Restart Screen

Click the Recovery tab, set the First failure, Second failure and Subsequent failure field values to Restart the Service as shown below and click Apply to save changes.  

Recovery Tab Screen

Once the above changes are made, select (highlight) ACGPOSitouch Service, right click and select Restart to to restart the service and verify ACGPOSItouch now displays "Running" in the Status column. Retry a new gift/loyalty transaction through the POSitouch terminal to test successful connection.

If the Windows ACGPOsitouch.exe service stops running after manually restarting the service or directly after processing a gift card/loyalty transaction try rebooting the entire POSitouch system which often kick starts the Windows service into gear. Then retry a gift/loyalty transaction.

If POSitouch system reboot still does not resolve the error and ACGPOSitouch service is still not running its possible recent security setting changes have caused our sites to be blocked and public Internet sites are completely locked down. At this point, you likely need Technical Support assistance for more advanced diagnostics. First, try a few tests to see if a public website can be accessed.

--Open a web browser, try and OR
--Open command prompt, type 'curl' and 'curl'

Both queries should return responses instead of an error message. In both cases, if public sites are unreachable, then some critical URLs will need to be unblocked. The resolution step is to contact your loyalty vendor's Tech Support and report this issue. Unblock instructions will be sent via email with phone support assistance.

If neither of the above steps work, its possible another service or application is using the same port (5040) as our default POSitouch interface. This theory can be confirmed by opening Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer. Choose 'Windows Logs' from left panel. Choose 'Application' and look for ACGPOSitouch events noting port error log results. This tool provides a lot of helpful diagnostic information.

You may see an error message such as the following:

Service cannot be started. System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.

Check port availability by opening a command prompt and run netstat -a and examine the entries for a :5040, (for example, which means that this 5040 port was bound to ALL TCP traffic). Then start counting up to check whether 5041 is taken. If so, check 5042 and so on until you find an available port. When you locate an available port that is not being used by another application, open the config.ini file as documented inside the integration install guide and change the HA Port Number from 5040 to the new available port (e.g., 5041, 5042) and save changes. Then open Windows Firewall and add a rule that allows BOTH outbound and inbound communication on the newly changed port. This port allow step should be done regardless of whether Windows Firewall is turned ON or OFF. Run Immediate System change and check whether the ACGPOSitouch service remains running.

Gift Card Sale Displays as 'Auth Only' in Shift 4 System Reporting

If the gift card transaction stays in auth only status and does not come through as a sale in Shift 4 then the root cause issue is an older version of the POSitouch middleware interface. The version can be verified by opening Services from Windows, locate ACGPOSitouch.exe, right click 'ACGPOSitouch.exe', choose Properties, select Details tab and verify latest version displays of:  1.0.7248.23262  If an earlier version displays contact Loyalty Tech Support to schedule remote dial in and install patch upgrade to latest version for resolution.  

How to Turn Off or ON Logging in Gift/Loyalty Integration Service

Please perform the following steps to enable or disabling logging in the middleware integration service.  

1.     Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Objective Technologies\ACGPOSitouch

2.     Open Config.ini

3.     Change Logging=true toLogging=false (or vice versa)

4.     Save Config.ini

5.     Go to Start->Run

6.     Type in “services.msc”

7.     Right click on ACGPOSitouch service and select “Restart”

The log is located in the above Program Files installation folder as Log.txt.  If visibly obvious error messages are observed in the log file this likely results from a versioning issue that requires patch upgrade. Verify version by running Services from Windows, locate ACGPOSitouch.exe, right click 'ACGPOSitouch.exe', choose Properties, select Details tab and verify latest version displays of: 1.0.7248.23262 If an earlier version displays contact Loyalty Tech Support to schedule remote dial in and install patch upgrade to latest version for resolution.

Additional Images/Examples

No additional images found.

Contact our Support Helpdesk